Translating Research into Highest Quality Patient Care

ECOS Launch Support for NHG


The Ethics and Compliance Online System (ECOS) is the new ethics review infrastructure that is co-developed by NHG and SingHealth. Launched on 10 May 2024, the ECOS system replaces the previous NHG ROAM system.

The ECOS system is intended to support research enterprise functions across the research lifecycle from Study Initiation to Completion, allowing IRBs, institutions, and researchers to have a one stop oversight of research related activities.

ECOS is now available with the following modules:

Minimum Training
Clinical Research Management System (CRMS)
Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) (NHG specific)


ECOS Login Page:

Features such as the Export and Track Change functions will be available to users at a later time. Quality & Compliance modules are being developed to launch in the latter part of 2024.

Ongoing IRB approved studies in ROAM and iSHaRE are also being transited into ECOS in parts. Please refrain from editing these migrating studies in ECOS as your work may not be saved.

To expedite the transit, ECOS may also be unavailable on weekends, public holidays and after office hours (7pm-7am) in May.

All posted announcements, news and guides related to the ECOS system will be made available here on this portal.

If you require any ECOS technical support, please see here for details.


ECOS Launch Support Site for NHG: (Both NHG-Intranet & Internet accessible)