Translating Research into Highest Quality Patient Care

NHG Centre for Medical Technologies & Innovations (CMTi) and National Health Innovation Centre Singapore (NHIC) Joint MedTech Grant


NHG CMTi has been set up as a NHG-level platform to facilitate medtech product innovation efforts across NHG institutions. Recognising that limited funding support for early innovation projects is one of the challenges faced by innovators, NHG CMTi is working together with the NHIC to co-fund this Joint MedTech Grant.



The grant is intended as internal seed funding for the development of early-stage medtech innovation solutions*. The main objective is to fund development of technological solutions that is commercially viable to resolve unmet needs in healthcare, and to leverage on the outcomes of this seed funding to seek further competitive funding at the national level to bring the solutions to implementation.

*Including but not limited to medical devices, diagnostics, digital applications, food technologies, etc



This grant could be used to support manpower, equipment and other operating expenses required for the development of the proposed medtech solutions. Up to 50% of the total approved budget could go to the institution(s) of Co-I(s). Collaborator(s) are not entitled to receive directly any portion of the grant. Overheads or indirect research costs will not be supported. 



Up to S$100,000 of funding per project, over a maximum one (1) year.



The main applicant (i.e. PI) should hold a primary appointment in and be salaried by an NHG institution.

Co-I(s) should hold at least an adjunct position in a local public institution.

Individuals from overseas institutions or private companies can only participate as Collaborators.



CMTi-NHIC 2019 Call Awardees