Translating Research into Highest Quality Patient Care

NHG Grants

Health for Life in Singapore-Early Disease Cohort (HELIOS-EDC) Studies Grant



This grant call is intended to support early disease cohort (EDC) studies conducted in conjunction with the Health for Life in Singapore (HELIOS) study. HELIOS is a prospective population cohort study spearheaded by the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine (LKCMedicine) in collaboration with the Imperial College London (ICL) and the National Healthcare Group (NHG). HELIOS presents valuable opportunities for further sub-studies on a longitudinal cohort with comprehensive anthropometric and phenotypic data, as well as self-reported health status, lifestyle and quality of life data. Data and findings from these studies could offer new insights pertaining to health status, risk factors and possible disease-modifying factors that could help improve disease prognostication and prioritise intervention.

The HELIOS-EDC grant funds prospective sub-cohorts with early diseases referred / recruited from HELIOS. The support would go towards disease areas with significant disease burden in the Singapore population, matched with NHG’s key research foci. The foci are also selected with consideration on the HELIOS detailed protocol and the expected areas of early disease referrals.


The objectives of the grant are:

  • To advance our understanding of early disease progression through longitudinal cohort studies, with a focus on study of disease areas with significant disease burden in the Singapore population.
  • To provide a platform for the development of NHG clinician scientists and to strengthen the partnership between NHG and LKCMedicine.



This grant is primarily intended to fund deeper phenotyping and research manpower to support the recruitment of HELIOS participants into the HELIOS-EDC studies. Other expenses required for the conduct of the project would be considered. The grant is not meant to support clinical care services.

Evidence of additional/complementary source(s) of funding and/or support for the proposed project would be an advantage.


  • The main applicant (i.e. PI) should be a clinician with primary appointment at NHG institutions.
  • Each application should include at least one co-investigator or collaborator with primary appointment at LKCMedicine.



  • The PIs of HELIOS-EDC grants shall be the corresponding person between the grant secretariat and the project team.
  • The PIs shall be responsible for the overall direction and the proper conduct of the research.