Translating Research into Highest Quality Patient Care

HBR Essential Research Conduct (ERC) Course

NHG HBR Minimum Training Requirement for NHG PI and Study Team


HBR Essential Research Conduct (ERC) Course


The Human Biomedical Research (HBR) Essential Research Conduct (ERC) Course (launched on 1 November 2019) aims to equip all NHG Investigators (PIs, Site-PIs and Co-Is) and study team members conducting HBR studies with knowledge on the regulations and institutional policies to ensure the proper conduct of research. These include the Human Biomedical Research Act (HBRA), NHG Research Data Policy and NHG Policy for Tissue Banks.

Learn about the key principles of research data management, subject recruitment, subject follow-up, informed consent process, as well as the necessary safeguards for taking consent in vulnerable and special populations.


NHG HBR Minimum Training Requirement for NHG PI and Study Team

Who must complete the HBR ERC Online Course & When must it be completed? 

The HBR ERC online course is to be completed as part of the NHG HBR Minimum Training Requirement for NHG PI and Study Team.

Who When
All NHG PI, Site PI and Co-I involved in the design, conduct or reporting of HBR studies / new sites* approved by a NHG appointed IRB (i.e., DSRB, SingHealth CIRB, NUS IRB, NTU IRB). Complete HBR Training before new HBR IRB submissions and amendments for HBR studies in ECOS^
All NHG CRCs, Research Assistant (Ras) and other supporting Study Team members involved in the design, conduct or reporting of HBR studies / new sites* approved by a NHG appointed IRB (i.e., DSRB, SingHealth CIRB, NUS IRB, NTU IRB). Complete HBR Training prior to the commencement of their study involvement.

*sites: refers to any new sites added to any ongoing HBR research protocol.

^ECOS was launched on 10 May 2024

Note: All NHG-based MOHH Residents/Doctors or NHG-based SAF Staff / doctors# who are participating in HBR in the capacity of NHG PI / Co-I / Collaborator / study team member are also required to complete the HBR ERC Online Course (HBR Minimum Training).

#SAF-NHG staff/ doctors (with formal NHG Appointment with NHG Institutions including affiliate or joint appointments).

HBR ERC Online Course


HBR ERC Online Course V.3 has been launched on eLEARN 

Effective 17 May 2024, all new HBR PI & Study team members will only need to complete the updated HBR ERC Online V.3.

Existing HBR PI & Study Team members who completed past versions of the online course do not need to repeat V.3 online course to meet the minimum training requirements but may do so for refresher or enhanced learning purposes.

Please access our course via this eLEARN link

Information for NHG-based MOHH Residents & NHG-based SAF Staff/Doctors

(Template) NHG-based MOHH Residents

Supplementary Readings

1. Information on Human Biomedical Research Act (HBRA) – Regulatory Framework & Requirements.

Section I: HBR Background & Framework

Section II: Studies excluded from HBRA

Section III: Restricted & Prohibitive Research

Section IV: HBRA and its implications on studies

For more information on the above, click on Information Pack for Researchers on the HBR Framework

2. NHG Research Data Policy [Click here to access the policy. NHG Intranet access required]

3. HBRA Case Studies [Click here to access the case studies. NHG Intranet access required]

4. HBRA – Human Tissue Framework [click here

5. NHG Policy for Tissue Banks [Click here to access the policy. NHG Intranet access required]

Contact Details
For more information or queries on the HBR ERC Course, please contact your respective Institution’s Clinical Research Office/ Units or the Research Education Course Administrator at



Updated: 4 Jun 2024